Summary Chapter 18 Velocity Acceleration
- Average Speed = Distance travelled ( m ) : time taken ( s )

- Acceleration = change in Velocity ( m/s ) : time taken for the change ( s )

The acceleration is shown by the slope or gradient of the velocity-time graph

The distance travelled is shown by the area under the velocity-time graph

The speed is shown by the slope or gradient of the distance-time graph

S = Distance travelled in metres

U = Initial velocity in metres per second
V = Final velocity in metres per second
A = Acceleration in metres per second squared
T = Time taken in seconds
- V = U + AT
S = (U+V):2 x T
S = UT + 0.5AT²
V² = U² + 2AS
S = ( U + ( U + AT ) : 2 ) T
S = ( U + V ) : 2 x ( V – U ) : A

Acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 metres per second ( 10 metres per second )

At a terminal velocity, force of gravity & force of air resistance are balanced

Vector quantity > A quantity in which size & direction are important

Vector quantities > Force , displacement, velocity and acceleration

When a car is reversing, it has negative velocity

- = A formula

= A rule of thumb, facts to learn

© Eva de Schipper, B2a

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